Monday 30 June 2014

It's my life, it's now or never...

Location: Glasgow

So I came across some of these pictures a few days ago on a friends Facebook page:

And I thought they were amazing, there are a few more like these.

It's crazy how we subconsciously or consciously allow people to help dictate our life, we forget our mind and bodies are our own, we were born as individuals, we have different thought processes and are unique as a person, but yet the world is trying to brand us, put us into one pot, anyone that tries to break free or doesn't fit with the norm of this pot is something other than amazing

How many people overlook someone in a wheelchair? Pities them and talks to their carer (if they have one) rather than speak to them, acknowledge them as a person, notice that behind the chair is an actual person, why has their beauty diminished because they have something to help them live, what stops them from doing what you can do?

Why hasn't the legal sector changed the way people look at rape? Why are women made to feel that it was their fault somehow, that because of their freedom to choose how to dress or because of genetics making them look appealing, it was their fault, they asked for it or they must have provoked the man somehow, why can it not be the man's fault? Why is society trying to teach women to watch themselves rather than teaching men that this is wrong and no woman openly asks for it, which is why it's called rape and not consensual sex? Why are the courts making the women's life a misery, trying to get them to admit it was them who provoked a man, rather than making the man's life a misery, just because the woman isn't physically dead, doesn't mean they did not kill something inside, only 7% of rape is reported and yet the number is so much higher than that.

Why can't women be smart? Why must we look "unattractive" or "geeky" to have a good job or a job that's in science or maths, people need to read into their history and see how many women have done so much for the world today, gender does not define intelligence, a woman can be both, if you can not love that, then you lack intelligence yourself.

Because a woman dresses like a tomboy or something less "girly" doesn't mean anything other than the fact they are comfortable in it, we can wear whatever we want and still be a woman, if woman are happy with what they're wearing, what is it to you? Everyone is the keeper of themselves, who said we have to dress the way society and the media said we should, to me, being an individual is way better than being the same.

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