Wednesday 4 June 2014

I said oops upside your head...

Location: London

People say I have the craziest thought process.....I don't think it differs much from the next person to be honest,
So I have decided to list the things that have been currently moving through my head.

1) The term basic bitches......since when was there a level to being a bitch? So i'm guessing there's professional bitches? what point is someone upset because they are a basic bitch instead of a high profiled one? Someone best make sure to not slide that term over here, no bitches (basic or professional) are over here.

2) When will AirWick realise they would make a lot of money and a difference to mankind if they sponsored the trains and buses, because when summer time comes, people's bio starts to bubble and boil and well, i'm not sure how sturdy my nose is for such smells.

3) This has been a long term thought process - Do people who suffer from bulimia have serious abs? because when I go through the regurgitating process several times i'm feeling those stomach muscles working.

4) This one wow'd me the other day - The Wizard of Oz is practically, the Wizard of Australia *waits for it to sink in*

5) This is another one that wow'd me - The dry cleaners, clean clothes...dry.......*again waits for it to sink in* I know the clue is in the name, but be honest, how many of you actually thought about it, you just assume they have some massive washing machines or something, but no, the clothes don't get wet at all, they cleaned with chemicals....I won't lie, after coming to this realisation a year or two ago, I now want to go on a field trip to the dry cleaners.

See my thought processes aren't even that bad =]

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