Monday 30 June 2014

It's my life, it's now or never...

Location: Glasgow

So I came across some of these pictures a few days ago on a friends Facebook page:

And I thought they were amazing, there are a few more like these.

It's crazy how we subconsciously or consciously allow people to help dictate our life, we forget our mind and bodies are our own, we were born as individuals, we have different thought processes and are unique as a person, but yet the world is trying to brand us, put us into one pot, anyone that tries to break free or doesn't fit with the norm of this pot is something other than amazing

How many people overlook someone in a wheelchair? Pities them and talks to their carer (if they have one) rather than speak to them, acknowledge them as a person, notice that behind the chair is an actual person, why has their beauty diminished because they have something to help them live, what stops them from doing what you can do?

Why hasn't the legal sector changed the way people look at rape? Why are women made to feel that it was their fault somehow, that because of their freedom to choose how to dress or because of genetics making them look appealing, it was their fault, they asked for it or they must have provoked the man somehow, why can it not be the man's fault? Why is society trying to teach women to watch themselves rather than teaching men that this is wrong and no woman openly asks for it, which is why it's called rape and not consensual sex? Why are the courts making the women's life a misery, trying to get them to admit it was them who provoked a man, rather than making the man's life a misery, just because the woman isn't physically dead, doesn't mean they did not kill something inside, only 7% of rape is reported and yet the number is so much higher than that.

Why can't women be smart? Why must we look "unattractive" or "geeky" to have a good job or a job that's in science or maths, people need to read into their history and see how many women have done so much for the world today, gender does not define intelligence, a woman can be both, if you can not love that, then you lack intelligence yourself.

Because a woman dresses like a tomboy or something less "girly" doesn't mean anything other than the fact they are comfortable in it, we can wear whatever we want and still be a woman, if woman are happy with what they're wearing, what is it to you? Everyone is the keeper of themselves, who said we have to dress the way society and the media said we should, to me, being an individual is way better than being the same.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

A sprinkle of this race with a dash of that race and presto I just made a super race

Location: Glasgow

What do I mean by a super race?

For years now mixed race people have been the forgotten race, or the ones no one really knew what to do with, because they were half of one and half of another, then they became the race people liked to joke about, that they were half breeds or couldn't take part or truly represent because they weren't "full blooded".
But no one has really taken the time to think about how deep being mixed raced can go.

Science has concluded that being mixed race is actually better than being one, why? Because they are less likely to suffer from genetic disorders that arise in single race mating. 

I am not implying that being mixed race is the god of all races and that we should shun anything else, 
but in the world we live in, is anyone really "one race" yes you can say this group are from the Caribbean, this group are from Europe etc, but ever since the beginning of time, species have been moving, changing, evolving and mixing.
You hear people say I'm Nigerian, but such and such is from Brazil, and these people used to live in China and I have this and that in me too", so in a sense are we not all part of this growing/evolving super race?

It is predicted that in 2020, most of the American population will be mixed race, so what does this mean for our life span?

The innocent smoothie company say that scientists have predicted that the person/people who will live to be 150 years of age has already been born.
If you think about it, "pure bred" dogs have a shorter life span than "mutts" why? Because in a sense, mutts are mixed race, therefore not being prone to specific one-race diseases, there is a lesser likelihood of recessive (inbred) diseases, such as sickle cell common in black people or Tay Sachs common in Jewish people.

I see your eyebrows raising, I don't mean inbred in the sense that your mother and her brother are creating children together, but in the sense that the same "race" has made a child, so anyone who has both their parents from the same race, that child is more likely to have the dominate genes for a inherited disease more so than someone who has come from two different races.

I can only imagine what the world will look like in a few years time

This is the link to the mixed race project, just portraits of multicultural families 

This is the link to the documentary Channel 4 did awhile ago about mixed race being a super race, I'm not too sure if the videos are still there but the information around it will give you an idea as to what they looked at

Wednesday 4 June 2014

To infinity and beyond....

Location: Eastleigh/Southampton

So I'm sitting here at the train station staring down the platform until I can't see where the train would turn and disappear, my train comes in 4 minutes and it will take me an hour and twenty minutes to get to London Waterloo,
Then I thought wow, I say it to myself as if it's only round the corner, I've only been here for five hours, I had people say to me, oh you have far to travel, or, you don't have to come today, but to me this journey isn't long at all, and not because I have the tendency to fall asleep within 20 minutes of any journey but because the world (well the UK in particular) doesn't even seem that small anymore,

Before my job, even the thought of travelling to Cambridge which is an hour and 35 minutes away by coach seemed like a big effort and a long distance, but I've now been blessed with a job that allows me to really open my eyes and see what this country has to offer, I've travelled to Scotland and back in one day, I've travelled to Sheffield and back in one day (although out of the 10 minutes I spent actually doing work in Sheffield, I actually spent 6 hours travelling), nowhere seems far anymore and now I feel as if the world is my oyster.

Sometimes when I haven't travelled in a while I get that itch, to just go to Waterloo, pick a place I've never been to and just get on the train, have you ever felt that way?

People always talk about travelling, going to places they've never been to but seldom do they do it,
How awesome would it be to show your children pictures of all the places you've seen, share all the stories you've collected, give them a glimpse into your world, how cultured would you be, how thankful and appreciative of breath taking sites or home comforts would you be?

Only two days ago I was in Glasgow, today I'm in Eastleigh and I'm already itching for that next adventure.

Is warn whoever wants to sample this drug, it gives you a high that only lasts so long, you'll be itching and foaming at the mouth for another adventure, to explore and live a different life even for the shortest amount of time.

I've noticed we don't travel around our own country, yet I've had foreigners tell me of all the places they've been to in the UK, how could I possibly not know my own home?

There's only a few places I've left unturned, Ireland being one of them,
The drug is wearing out and I'll soon need my next fix, who wants to get high with me?

I said oops upside your head...

Location: London

People say I have the craziest thought process.....I don't think it differs much from the next person to be honest,
So I have decided to list the things that have been currently moving through my head.

1) The term basic bitches......since when was there a level to being a bitch? So i'm guessing there's professional bitches? what point is someone upset because they are a basic bitch instead of a high profiled one? Someone best make sure to not slide that term over here, no bitches (basic or professional) are over here.

2) When will AirWick realise they would make a lot of money and a difference to mankind if they sponsored the trains and buses, because when summer time comes, people's bio starts to bubble and boil and well, i'm not sure how sturdy my nose is for such smells.

3) This has been a long term thought process - Do people who suffer from bulimia have serious abs? because when I go through the regurgitating process several times i'm feeling those stomach muscles working.

4) This one wow'd me the other day - The Wizard of Oz is practically, the Wizard of Australia *waits for it to sink in*

5) This is another one that wow'd me - The dry cleaners, clean clothes...dry.......*again waits for it to sink in* I know the clue is in the name, but be honest, how many of you actually thought about it, you just assume they have some massive washing machines or something, but no, the clothes don't get wet at all, they cleaned with chemicals....I won't lie, after coming to this realisation a year or two ago, I now want to go on a field trip to the dry cleaners.

See my thought processes aren't even that bad =]

Tuesday 3 June 2014

*sneezes* bless me, I think I've caught feelings, can you hand me that situationship?...

Location: London

Situationships and catching feelings are my two new favourite phrases, (they may be old, but they're new to me) the joke's not even a joke, this is the hard stone truth.
When did getting into a loving relationship become a battle? A chore? The uncool thing to do? 

Everyone's trying to get what they want without putting in the work, the hardship etc but that's what makes you stronger as a person, "there are too many mediocre things in life for love to be one of them", (a great quote I once heard) so why treat it like a game?
Why be the clown juggling different decisions, hearts, people? 
When did everything become indistinguishable shades of grey rather than the straight up black and white? 
You either want to date or you don't.
You either like that person or you don't.
You either want that person or you don't.
If you like more than one, the answer isn't to see them all, it's to pick one or pick none, 
I'm getting too old (in my young age) for these secondary school games, I tell it like it is, I'm selfish, I want one guy and I wanna be the only girl, I want emotion and I want affection and I want it in a good proportion, no I don't want to marry you and have your babies straight away, chill out, not every girl is programmed to be Betty Crocker *rolls eyes*

I thought as you get older you become more picky with who you date, and even then, you go and date or get into a relationship, now you have people just "kinda" seeing each other, in a non exclusive way so they can see other people o_O
I personally can't work that way, if i'm "kinda" seeing someone, believe they are the only person i'm "kinda" seeing.

If this is how the world is changing, I can only feel nothing but pity for my future children's....I wouldn't even know what it would be called by the time they're old enough to kinda have a situationship *sigh*