Tuesday 15 February 2011

Life is either a great adventure or nothing....

Location: Canada

Sighhhhh *Carina blows her hair out of her face and tilts her head to one side with he tongue sticking out as she thinks about how to start this blog, she runs her fingers over the keys carefully deciding which one she will pick first*

sndlndfsivfo'jvfb <= that right there, that was me not knowing what to write first, so pressing all keys solved that problem *smug look*

So I was sitting on the toilet today as you do (not pooping for all those who screwed up their face) and as I stared into the shower curtain with my head in my hand I realised something tragic....I was bored...
Now this little phenomenon happens to the best of us, but unfortunately for me, i'm just like my mother when i'm bored, my mother is a great lady don't get me wrong, but when she's bored she seeks adventure, now this isn't a bad thing, but it is when you don't know what adventure to seek, or have the money to seek it,
so being the pro-teen that I am (to me it makes sense being a pro teen at 20 while struggling to hold on to the youth) my quest for adventure is just as hungry and my sense for change is just as strong as a kid eating 10 chocolate bars when they usually aren't allowed to have chocolate =/

So I have come up with lip tattoo ideas...when I mean lip I mean the inside of my lip that usually covers my teeth, crazy place to put it I know, but in a way I find it cool, different, mad, crazy...all the words people usually use to describe me...I have also decided I want a tattoo around my wrist, just like my friend Laura, it's pretty cool.
Finally I have come up with the idea of dying my hair blonde...I know it sounds crazy but if Rihanna and Beyonce can do it, the why can't I?

The need for a change is becoming quite strong, it got so bad towards the end of the summer, I was craving like a druggie going cold turkey, I knew Canada would have the answer, and as the day came closer and closer I was literally foaming at the mouth.

But now I'm upset, why I hear you ask? Because, my dear reader, I thought Canada would have the answer to my problems, I was soooo sure coming here would start this whole new adventure with spontaneous moments around every corner...and there was....but I've been here 6 months now, and I haven't gotten to travel around the place like I had hoped, the rent for this place prettty much sucked me dry, I don't get my next installment until march, but by then i'll have to save money for my house back in Kingston for uni and whatever other logical realistic reason I may need it for, because if I could, i'd blow it and just jump on a plane and travel around America with friends....one can dream eh?

So here I sit, on a Monday night....well if you want be precise it's early Tuesday morning, not even half way finished through watching Scot Pilgrim vs The World (which is turning out to be a pretty awesome film if I do say so myself), I've watched my other usual programmes and they no longer keep me in suspense, I need a change, an adventure, anything to keep me occupied.....I'm at a loss at the moment, tomorrow I have a free day, who knows how i'll spend it *blows hair from face again*

My 21st birthday is coming up and I feel I definitely have to make it exciting and different from my usual days, if I can honestly say it was different then I would have succeeded, until then my dear reader, until then

Love peace and hair grease x

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