Thursday 29 May 2014

Break the shackles off my feet so I can dance

Location: Glasgow

Such a powerful painting, this can be interpreted in different ways I guess, but the way I interpreted it is instead of black people breaking their chains of the past, fighting for their freedom, fighting against racism etc they're allowing these things to define them, they make the very things their ancestors fought for, a fashion statement.

When people say I'm their nigga, I tell them I'm not, why use the very word that belittled your people as a way to greet your friends and family? Black people planking, allowing themselves to be sucked into their stigmatises of being in gangs and drugs because they get in gangs and do drugs saying their gang is their family, killing etc instead of fighting for a better life, an education, rappers talk about it like it's the only option they had, yet there's so many who come from similar backgrounds who make something of themselves.

All I know is, I'm no ones nigga, I'm no ones bitch, I'm proud of the "posh" accent I have and the "nerdy" life I live, because one day when I'm successfully running my own business, what will you be doing? Painting your chains gold pretending you're flashing jewellery while those higher mock and laugh, it's time to stop using your ancestors slavery as an excuse, it's time to stop wearing your ancestors struggles as a fashion statement, help your race rather than stepping on them to get a quick buck, look past the slavery, see who your ancestors once were and strive to be those kings and queens once again, while you're calling yourself the baddest bitch or allowing yourself to be addressed as my nigga (no matter how friendly it's meant).
I'll keep calling myself a king and laugh at those who laugh at me because I know I hold more self-worth.

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